About Us

I am a mother of three beautiful children. I have two teenagers and one girl. Making crafts for my wedding back in 2010 ignited my interest in DIY. I started making personalized items for my family and friends until it grew and I bought my craft equipment. Due to my delicate pregnancy with my last child, I stayed home and minimized my activities. Then I started creating some baby stuff. Since then, I have been able to continue designing crafts and selling them. I've had times when I didn't get any sales at all, and times when I had tons of sales. With the competition with young minds who can make thousands of sales in a day and are very good with social media, I can't keep up with that anymore. but I am proud to say that I have kept several loyal customers, and gaining more slowly. It's also nice to see young ones who make the most of their talents. I hope and pray my only daughter would adopt my crafty mind when she grows up. It's also great to know that people support small businesses such as mine. I put a lot of effort into the products I sell and ensure they are just as nice as those you bought in the store. As much as I enjoy making them, I know you'll love them. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and Be Safe Everyone!